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Anne and Pascale Kilimanjaro adventure
Written by
The Savorys

We are pleased to let everyone know that Anne and Pascale Kilimanjaro adventure has been successful and they reached the top!!

The Para-Monte educational training day at UoB with Neil and Billy and their students has without a doubt supported them on their track up.

On day three; one of them suffered bad they both decided, if these symptoms didn't subside they would descend, in Anne's words " We had already accepted it and were ready to cherish the memories already made".

However, remembering the advise from the training day and after taking the recommended medication, resting and good night sleep, they were able to resume their climb and managed to reach Kilimanjaro's top!

We like to congratulate them on their achievement and send a massive thank you for all the altitude awareness they spread throughout as well as the fundraising (over £500 and rising daily) for our research projects at UoB and ARU.

Thanks for giving your time and efforts ladies :)

Grateful from all of us @

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